Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One year older.

Ok so yesterday was my birthday it was ok. We didn't do anything to big for my birthday. Last week we went to San Fran. I feel like I am in this pattern and I just can't break out of it. Taking care of baby, cleaning, house, cooking dinner, send a few hours with Sean, Go to bed... And then the same thing the next day. I really miss hanging out with people my own age. Some days I live it up and go see my grandma woo what a week. I need to get something more in my life. I wouldn't trade taking care of Teagan but man do I need a hobby. So I came up with a new one. Getting healthy!! I can say that I am in the WORST shape of my life. I am now 173 pounds I gained all the weight I lost back but I won't let that get me down. I am now going into overtime. I have everything worked out on a legal pad. I am cutting suger and soda from my diet. HARD I know! I have also made an work out plan for the week. I need to get back into shape not just for me but for my little girl. I mean I want to be able to run and play with her not sit on the park bench and watch. I know I can do this I just keep have to keep telling my self this! I want to get down to 130 pounds in 5 months lets see if I can do this. Thats 43 pounds wish me luck!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

been a long while!

So first of all its been for ever since I have blogged anything! I want to be much better at this its fun and I can look back on all of this years to come. Plus it keeps people updated on me and my families life.

We have now been in C.A. for almost a year now so much has happen its been pretty crazy the last few months. Sean is now doing his 2nd round of classes and is working more hours. We really never get to see him around here anymore but when we do we are all so happy to be together!

Teagan is now 13 months old it seems like just yesterday I was having her she is now walking, talking, and eatting on her own. She is also on whole milk. My baby isn't a baby anymore she is a toddler which is just crazy to me.

I don't think many of you know but my grandmother is in a nursing home and we are living in her house right now. What a blessing to be able to stay in a place that is so close to my heart. I love to take Teagan on walks in the same places that my own grandparents would take me. I remember amazing weekends here with them and as much as I didn't realize I miss my grandparents ALOT. My grandpa passed away and my grandma's mind isn't there anymore thats why she had to be put into a nursing home. I miss being able to talk to my grandpa and him teaching me things. I miss going to my grandparents store and most of all I miss them! They where a huge part of my life and if I knew that I was going to miss them this much I would have spent more time with them as I got older. Being here in this house reminds me of all the great times I had here. I had a wonderful childhood and I am so lucky to have had so many wonderful people in my life growing up. And this ranch its a huge part of me and I just wish I could stay here forever.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Been a while

Well it has been a while since I have posted anything at all. A few new things have happened. Sean has started school after a one year break he is working full time as well. He seems to be doing very well so far but it has only been two weeks lol. As for me nothing much is really new going to have a dear friend of mine over for dinner tonight that should be tons of fun its been a while since I have seen her. Then Wednesday my Mommy to be friend is going shopping with me makes me pretty excited.

Now for the real awesome news!! Teagan is now crawling!! I can't believe it it just happened one day. I was out all day with my mom Sean was watching her and when I got home my baby crawled to me! Yeah amazing! That same night she pulled her self up on our table... I should have had this house child proofed like yesterday!! Thats about it on the updates I am going to clean my gross kitchen now! I will post some photos soon!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Google my hero

Ok I know its been a while but we have been busy around here.

Sean and I had went out yesterday so my mom babysat Teagan I told her to mix in some fruit with her baby food because it helps her eat it. WELL today I changed her diaper and just about FREAKED OUT she had black tiny worm things in her poop!!! I have no car because Sean is out of town with ours and my mom was in the bay area I had NO idea what to do. I started searching for a phone but couldn't find one right when you need one the most. So instead of calling my mom I googled "black worm things in babies poop. Tons of crap came up about it. When I read on it turns out that babies can get those from eating BANANAS!! Freaking heart attack over a banana I thought my kid had worms! Why don't they tell you about this stuff lol. This is one first time mom stories I can't wait to tell Teagan when she has kids.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cutest husband and baby!

Just so everyone knows he is not naked he is wearing pants... He made me put that because he just found the blog.

OKKK my husband WOULD KILL ME if he knew I posted this photo but I couldn't help it!!! Look at it!! Better then puppies and kittens and all the cute baby animals in the world!! I had to snap this photo so freaking fast it wasn't funny. He is like you better not post this on facebook well I kept my word this isn't on facebook :D... I am still going to die but its SOOO worth it.

I really think this photo catches both of them so well Sean's face is has a slightly annoyed look because I took a photo of him with no shirt and Teagan thinks its freaking awesome that I did  it! As we know my baby is always on my side.

I really don't think Sean could be a better daddy he does so well with Teagan and loves every min. he can get with her. He even changes poopy diapers and I am talking about the blow out kind! I think the one thing he has a hard time doing is giving her a bath but he does it if I need him to. The only reason why he doesn't like to is because she cries every time he does it. Lets face it even though I said she is a daddy's girl she prefers mommy most the time. But then again she will cry for him so maybe its pretty even.  If I don't post again in 3 days my husband killed me for posting a shirtless picture of him (Just joking NO need to call the cops :P)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Size 12 now!

Ok so i'm trying to get rid of the baby weight that I have and I am now a size 12 and those are a little big. I want to get back to the size 6 that I used to be before I got married. It will happen one day.

So ANYWAY today was a lazy day did a whole lot of nothing its been raining like crazy and really I am tired. So tired that this is the end of my post time to cuddle with my handsome man!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sleepy mommy and baby!

So today was WAY long but tons of fun. My mother and I went to stockton to see my grandma. Grandma was having a very off day but I hope she feels better. After that we went shopping I didn't really get much but my mom got me some jeans and a cute skrit way excited! We are going to get a baby crib soon so Teagan doesn't have to sleep in her port-a-crib anymore I can't wait to use the crib set my mom got her. We also got her ears pierced today that was so scary but she got through it with grandmas help. After all that it was time to head home when I got home the whole living room was cleaned and dinner was cooking I have an AMAZING husband. Teagan then played with daddy and feel asleep on mommy. We were both wiped out from todays adventure. Here are some photos.

Sleepy baby.

Playing with daddy.

Our dog loves Teagan.


Flash woke me up.

Blue licking the babys forhead.